Weekend Projects Page

Projects so far....


Some PVC drain pipe, a couple mirrors, and a little Goop go a long way

Rat Cage

I'm glad I haven't told my mother that we're actually trying to keep vermin comfortable and entertained

TV Switch (coming soon)

Give your children something to tell their therapist (they may never forgive you; but it's for their own good!)




Sources, references, fun

This page is dedicated to presenting weekend handyperson projects that don't require a workshop full of tools, or, indeed, even a workshop. I haven't got any place special to work and usually end up either in the driveway or the family room for most of the work. Sometimes I'll set up a couple sawhorses, but, since those have rotted out from being outside all winter (well, OK, several winters) I may make new sawhorses another project sometime.

Anyway, Bob and Norm (not to mention Tim and Al) can rest easy. I try to make stuff, mostly for the kids, that doesn't cost more than fifty bucks and takes only one or two weekends to finish with tools you probably have around the house, if you can find them. E-mail me below with suggestions or comments. If you have your own projects you'd like to see here, send as much info as you can -- pictures or drawings if you got'em (I can scan photos) -- and I'll put them up here for the world to see.


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